11 months ago


Fake stores

Countless consumers have reported Trendysite-new.com for its involvement in a counterfeit online store scam. The detailed analysis of this website’s data reveals a striking lack of uniqueness, as content appears to be copied from other similar sites. The products featured on this site are counterfeit, and the low-grade material used can potentially be harmful. Moreover, the pictures showcased on the website are far from authentic. Furthermore, the company leaves no trace of its existence on social media.

In the world of digital shopping, a fake store scam is a fraudulent act. Con artists set up an alluring online store, often with compelling images and deals, to attract consumers. They advertise and sell counterfeit products, usually of poor quality, and sometimes, they don’t deliver any products at all. These scams often involve the use of copied content and images from legitimate websites and typically, these fraudulent companies maintain no social media presence.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Default content
Fake address
Fake business name
Fake images
Fake promises
Recently registered
Unfinished website
Unrealistic discounts

Missing Information

No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam appears as a trustworthy online shop. The fraudulent site may mimic a popular retailer or sell enticing goods at unbeatable prices. Scammers aim to trick buyers into sharing personal and financial information. They rely heavily on sophisticated design to create a convincing facade. They might display false customer reviews and use secure payment badges to build trust. Often, they exploit urgency by offering time-limited deals. This manipulation pushes buyers to act quickly, sidelining their doubts. Buyers may receive low-quality items, nothing at all; or worse, they might become victims of identity theft. It's a devastating scenario that leaves countless individuals reeling every year. In some cases scammers might even set up customer service channels, only to disappear when the customer desperately needs help. Recognizing these red flags can help us navigate the complex world of online shopping.


Tafela.online operates a deceitful storefront trick. This website saw its creation recently, with a domain name just 20 days old at the time of reporting. A contact number for customer service is nowhere to be found. Doubt lingers over the authenticity of the content on the website, lacking any echo with other similar pages. The […]


Eminenttool.com, a website that has only been active for 52 days, is operating an elaborate scam posing as a legitimate online store. Despite claiming to be based in a particular state, there’s no legal record of the business in that location. Furthermore, the authenticity of the products listed on the site is questionable, with the […]


Accapital-cx.asia raises suspicions of a crypto scam. The promise of significant returns tempts investors, who then find their money taken and the scammers vanished. A foreign entity controls and runs the site. We discovered multiple incomplete pages throughout the website, riddled with default content and placeholder text. The business name lacks registration in the state […]


People have reported Unitywealthminerss.com for orchestrating a fraudulent investment scheme. The company entices potential investors with promises of high returns, only to vanish with the investors’ money once they commit. Interestingly, reviews for the company are conspicuously absent. Moreover, the company’s online presence, especially on social media, is practically non-existent. Many of the website’s pages […]


Our investigation has uncovered that the website Imperialenergyltd.com is functioning as a deceptive scheme. The site promises substantial returns on your investments, but once you part with your money, the fraudsters disappear. The provided business address is inaccurate, and there’s no customer service contact number listed. Moreover, the images on the site do not accurately […]

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