11 months ago


Fake stores

Jmclaughlshop.com is operating a counterfeit store scheme. The content on the website lacks originality, seemingly replicating material from similar sites. Evidence strongly indicates that the site originates from China. The products for sale are misrepresented by the images portrayed on the site. The merchandise featured is deceptive and may pose risks due to the low-grade materials utilized in their creation. The website was only registered recently. During the compilation of this report, the domain was a mere 57 days old. A contact number for customer service is noticeably absent. Unfinished pages on the website contain default content and placeholder text. The company holds no presence on social media.

A fake store scam is when a website masquerades as a legitimate online store, offering goods for sale that are either nonexistent or of extremely poor quality. These scams often involve sites newly registered, with content copied from other, legitimate stores, and are frequently based out of countries known for their involvement in online fraud, such as China. They often lack customer service contact information and a social media presence, and may have unfinished pages with placeholder text.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Default content
Fake business name
Fake images
Fake promises
Recently registered
Unfinished website
Unrealistic discounts

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No social media
A fake store scam is a deceptive practice. It involves the creation of bogus online stores. These stores offer attractive deals on popular products. Scammers use this tactic to entice customers. These so-called deals are usually too good to be true. The products are offered at significantly lower prices. They are often nonexistent or of inferior quality. Scammers often use sophisticated methods to appear legitimate. They may use credible website designs and fake customer reviews. They might even use stolen logos from established brands, The ultimate goal of the scammers is to steal your money or personal information. As soon as a purchase is made, they vanish without a trace. Leaving customers without their purchased goods and at times a compromised identity. Fake store scams, a growing menace in the online shopping arena. It's a sly technique that exploits the trust of unsuspecting shoppers.


On February 14, 2023, Corniex.net was reported as a cryptocurrency scam. This website is a recent domain, having been registered on September 17, 2022. At the time of the initial complaint, the site was only 122 days old.


Customers have flagged Lovesporter.com as a dubious online store. The website, which was only 92 days old at the time of the report, doesn’t offer a customer service phone number. The business address provided online is also fictitious. The products displayed on the website are misleading and potentially risky due to the poor quality of […]


Cryptocoinpoint.online has been identified as a fraudulent investment operation. Despite promising huge returns on investment, they simply disappear with your money once you’ve invested. This company is notably absent from any well-known consumer review platforms. Its social media accounts are bereft of followers. The affiliations they claim on their website are completely fictitious. The website’s […]


Fundedcoins.online is currently operating a fraudulent investment scheme. They entice potential investors with appealing returns. However, once the investment is made, the deceivers disappear with your hard-earned money. There is a noticeable lack of activity from the company on social media platforms. Several pages on their website are noticeably incomplete, filled with placeholder content and […]


Navixbit.com is running an investment scam. They promise lucrative profits, but once you invest, the scammers disappear with your money. The company lacks reviews on trustworthy consumer sites and has no presence on social media. Many web pages on their site are unfinished, with generic content. The company’s online partnerships are fake, and the product […]

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