12 months ago


Fake stores

Coasteressencehome.com is currently under scrutiny for operating as a deceitful online shop. The website is found to be featuring plagiarized content from various other sites. It is offering products that are not only counterfeit but potentially harmful because of the substandard materials used in their manufacture. Interestingly, the business has no social media presence, raising more suspicions about its legitimacy. Another red flag is the site’s numerous under-construction pages, filled with generic text and placeholder language, suggesting a hastily set up operation.

A fake store scam involves an online site that pretends to sell goods, usually at incredibly low prices, to lure unsuspecting shoppers. These sites often copy content from legitimate websites and sell counterfeit items, sometimes posing potential risk due to poor quality materials used. The scam sites usually lack social media presence and customer reviews, and may have multiple unfinished pages filled with placeholder text.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Default content
Fake address
Fake business name
Fake images
Fake promises
Recently registered
Unfinished website
Unrealistic discounts

Missing Information

No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam is a deceitful tactic used by fraudsters. They set up fake websites or social media pages, posing as legitimate online retailers. These scammers often use low prices to lure in unsuspecting consumers. They promise high-quality goods at a fraction of the original cost. These goods may never be delivered or, if they are, they're usually of poor quality. Scammers are cunning with their tactics. They use authentic looking logos and designs, convincing product descriptions, and even customer reviews. They may also offer secure payment options to appear more genuine. However, once payment is made, the fake store either disappears or doesn't respond to any follow-up inquiries. The scammer ends up with your money, and you're left with nothing but a lesson in online fraud.


Customers have raised concerns about Arredamentoit.com, alleging that it’s operating a deceptive store scam. When the issue came to light, the website had only been active for 76 days. It features fabricated reviews, supposedly from people who don’t exist. The site’s management seems to be based in China. Moreover, the images displayed on the site […]


Remediofarma.pro has been flagged as a fraudulent site. The website, which is only 50 days old at the time of this revelation, lacks a contact number for customer service. A deep dive into the website’s data reveals copied content from other similar sites, implying a lack of creativity. Graphics displayed on the site fail to […]


Carslifte.shop, a website that’s barely a month old, is operating an elaborate fake store scam. It’s hard to reach their customer service as their phone number is conspicuously missing from the site. Doubts about the site’s content authenticity arise when you realize it doesn’t resemble any other similar pages. They sell counterfeit products, which could […]


Scsinteriors.shop operates a deceptive business model, peddling counterfeit items that may pose a risk due to the substandard materials used in their creation. The company remains conspicuously absent from social media platforms, and a thorough search of major review sites yields no customer feedback. The absence of a customer service phone number on the site […]


Cyclocapitals.com, a website barely four months old, is orchestrating a cryptocurrency scam. It lacks a customer support phone number and the business address provided online is fictitious. Despite claiming to be legally established in a certain state, no such records exist. The website’s social media presence is non-existent, with zero followers. Major consumer review platforms […]

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