11 months ago


Fake stores

Adriantrinty.com, a relatively new website, is currently engaging in a dubious operation known as a fake store scam. This site, which is only 56 days old at the time of writing, lacks key information such as a contact phone number for customer service. The website’s content, far from being unique or original, appears to be a direct copy from other similar sites. This raises questions about its authenticity and innovative nature. Adding to the suspicion, the photographs displayed on the site are not genuine. Many of the site’s webpages are still under construction, filled with no more than default content and placeholder text. Further undermining its credibility, no presence of the company can be found on any social media platform. To add to all this, not a single review from customers could be found on any of the popular consumer review websites.

A fake store scam involves a fraudulent website pretending to be a legitimate online store. These sites typically lack authentic contact information, steal content from other websites, and display false product images. Often, they have no social media presence or customer reviews, and many of their pages remain under construction with placeholder content.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Default content
Fake address
Fake business name
Fake images
Fake promises
Recently registered
Unfinished website
Unrealistic discounts

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam is a type of fraud where scammers operate under the guise of a legitimate online retailer. They lure in potential victims with incredibly low prices on popular items. These fraudsters typically create a professional-looking website. They may use images and descriptions of products lifted directly from actual online stores. This is done to create an illusion of legitimacy. Once a person tries to make a purchase, they are asked to provide sensitive personal and financial information. After the transaction, the purchased goods never arrive. By then, the scammers have vanished with the victim’s money and potentially their identity. The promises made by these scam artists often seem too good to be true. Whether it's a huge discount on a high-demand product or an exclusive deal, these tactics are used to entice and deceive people. In some cases, these scams also involve fake customer reviews, further attempting to lend credibility to their operations, However, these reviews are usually fabricated or bought.


Suspicion surrounds the Coinfactorycurrency-platform.com for purportedly conducting a crypto scam. Detected merely 42 days post initiation, this website lacks a customer support contact number. Fake reviews from fabricated individuals surface on the website. The listed address on their site corresponds to no existing business. The site asserts to function under an unregistered business name with […]


Maroty.com has been identified as a fraudulent online store. Despite its relatively young age of 82 days at the time of discovery, it has already raised numerous red flags. One glaring issue is the absence of a customer support phone number, which is typically a standard feature for legitimate businesses. Further investigation suggests that the […]


Plutosgates.com, a newly established website, is suspected of conducting an investment scam. Despite its recent registration, just 142 days ago, the site lacks key features such as a customer service phone number. It also fails to show any registration in the state it purports to operate from. The company’s absence on social media raises further […]


We’ve discovered that Lenygoods.com isn’t what it seems. In fact, it’s operating under the guise of a legitimate store, but it’s actually a scam. Oddly, the website doesn’t provide a phone number for customer support which is a major red flag. The images displayed on the site don’t accurately represent the products they’re selling. What’s […]


A new website called Rookjapans.shop is running a fake store scam. The scam was found when the site was just 144 days old. Many pages on the site are incomplete and filled with default text. The website has copied content from other sites. The images on the site don’t actually show the real products. Many […]

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