1 year ago


Fake stores

Utsoktabarnkla.com, a website we discovered to be a fraudulent online store, was only 52 days old at the time of detection. The site lacks a listed phone number for customer service, making it difficult for customers to seek help. Differing from authentic retail sites, the pictures displayed on Utsoktabarnkla.com fail to genuinely represent the products they’re selling. The content on the website is far from original, mirroring similar webshops in a clear imitation. The products sold on this online marketplace aren’t genuine, potentially posing risks due to the substandard materials used in their production. The website also features numerous incomplete pages filled with generic content and placeholder text.

A fake store scam is a fraudulent scheme where a website poses as a legitimate online store. It attracts customers with attractive product images and deals, but the products they sell are often counterfeit, low-quality, or sometimes, they never even send the products at all. These scam websites typically copy content and design from other genuine websites to appear credible.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Default content
Fake address
Fake business name
Fake images
Fake promises
Recently registered
Unfinished website
Unrealistic discounts

Missing Information

No phone numbers
A fake store scam is a deceitful tactic that fraudsters use. They set up phony online stores offering products at incredibly low prices. These deals are too good to be true, luring in unsuspecting shoppers. Scammers design these websites to look like legitimate stores. They use high-quality images and detailed product descriptions. They might even feature customer reviews. All these elements create an illusion of authenticity. The common promise made by these scammers is the delivery of high-quality products at unbelievably low prices. They may also promise fast delivery and easy returns. These promises are purely a bait to get you to make a purchase. After the shopper makes a payment, two things may happen. The bought product never arrives. Or a vastly inferior product or incorrect item arrives instead. The scammer then disappears, leaving the shopper with no recourse. The shopper is then victim to a fake store scam. These fraudsters are experts in manipulation and deceit. They use clever tactics to make the scam seem real. They have customer service representatives and use secure payment methods. They may also have a solid privacy policy. These strategies are designed to convince shoppers that the website is genuine. The fake store scam is a growing concern for online shoppers. It's essential to stay vigilant and recognize the signs of these scams.


Exaltted.net operates a crypto exchange scam. Deceptive testimonials from non-existent clients adorn the website, insinuating significant returns on investments. Yet, once investors pour money into it, the miscreants abscond with it. The listed phone numbers on the website remain unresponsive. A glaring absence of social media representation for the company raises eyebrows. The supposed registration […]


Corizonfunds.org runs an investment scam. They claim to quickly increase your money, but once you invest, they take it and disappear. The address listed on their website is fake. This scam was uncovered when the site was just 37 days old. You won’t find any phone number for customer service on their site. Their social […]


G-exptstrade.com is running an investment scam. The website was recently registered and is only 19 days old. Phone numbers on the site are not connected. It shows a fake address for the company’s location. Multiple unfinished pages on the website are filled with default content and placeholder text. The site lures investors with promises of […]


The online shop, Thewillowtree.shop, has been found to be operating a fraudulent scheme. The pictures on the website do not accurately depict the products they are selling. The items sold on this site are not genuine and could pose a risk due to the substandard materials used in their creation. The content on this site […]


Finzporcelan.com falls under the category of fraudulent online stores. Its existence barely spans a month at the point of this revelation. The absence of a customer service hotline raises significant red flags. The website’s content mirrors that of others, stripping it of any trace of originality. In addition, they display counterfeit images. Many of its […]

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