11 months ago


Investment scams

We’ve come across a website, Globiscoinx.com, and it gives off strong indications of being an illegitimate investment scheme. They promise you hefty returns for your investment, but once you’ve transferred your money to them, they vanish without a trace. You’ll find a number of web pages on their site still under development, packed with standard content and filler text. The site also falsely boasts of partnerships that don’t exist. Images of the products they offer are mere stock photos, adding to the suspicion. Furthermore, the website is a recent entry into the web world, its domain name is barely 53 days old. One important detail to note is its conspicuous absence of a customer service phone contact.

Investment scams often exploit the promise of high returns and minimal risk. They’ll convince potential investors to contribute their money, only to misuse the funds or disappear altogether. These fraudulent schemes usually involve newly created websites, false partnerships, and a conspicuous absence of customer service contacts.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Default content
Fake address
Fake business name
Fake images
Fake partnerships
Fake promises
Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No phone numbers
An investment scam is a deceitful ploy by tricksters. They pose as legitimate investment brokers to lure unsuspecting individuals into high-risk or non-existent investment opportunities. Common promises they make include high returns on investment in a short time. They claim low-risk investment opportunities. The promise of exclusive, insider information is also a tactic. These promises are designed to entice and convince people to invest. A common method they use is pressure tactics. The 'now or never' approach is common. They push people to invest immediately, without time for research or second thoughts. They also might use an authoritative or professional appearance to appear trustworthy. Another tactic is the use of complex jargon. This tactic can confuse potential investors, making them more likely to trust the scammer without fully understanding the investment. These scammers often disappear with the money once they received it, leaving the investor with significant losses.


Blockbit-cc.com is a scam. The site is new, only 164 days old when we checked. It doesn’t list a phone number for support. They don’t mention their official business name anywhere. You won’t find them on social media. No reviews exist outside their own pages. An investment scam tricks people into giving money with false […]


Kryptcapital.com, a newly launched website, is suspected of running a forex scam. The domain name is just 120 days old, according to our investigation. The site lacks a customer service phone number, raising further suspicions. The items for sale are misrepresented through the illustrations displayed on the site. Additionally, the company’s presence on social media […]


Shopurbangeneral.shop, a relatively new website, has been identified as partaking in fraudulent activities. The website, which is barely a month old, lacks a customer service phone number – a feature commonly provided by legitimate businesses. An examination of its content reveals striking similarities with other websites, suggesting possible content duplication. The site’s images also raise […]


Alquityinvest.uk has been identified as a fraudulent investment operation. They promise attractive returns on your investment, only to disappear with your money once you’ve invested. The phone numbers listed on their website are no longer in service. This scam was uncovered when the website was just 99 days old. There’s evidence that the content on […]


Knitpumpkin.com, a recently established website, is involved in a deceptive store scam. The domain name, only 128 days old at the time of reporting, is a cause for concern. The site does not provide a customer service phone number, raising further suspicions. It purports to function under a business name that isn’t registered in the […]

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