11 months ago


Investment scams

Future-tradex.com has been flagged as an investment scam. The scheme is simple: they make grand promises of substantial profits to lure you into investing. Once you’ve entrusted them with your money, however, the fraudsters disappear without a trace. Despite the professional appearance of the site, there’s a lack of social media engagement, lacking any followers or interaction. A closer look at the website reveals that the touted partnerships are entirely fictitious. Many areas of the site are under construction, filled with placeholder content and nonsensical dummy text. Furthermore, the graphics featured on the site fail to accurately represent the product they purport to sell.

Investment scams, such as this, involve fraudulent business schemes that convince individuals to make investments with promises of unusually high returns. They often use sophisticated and believable pitches, but the money isn’t invested at all. Instead, it’s simply taken by the fraudsters.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Default content
Fake business name
Fake images
Fake partnerships
Fake promises
Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No reviews
No social media
An investment scam tricks people into handing over their money with the promise of high returns. Typically, the scammer will make grandiose claims about a surefire investment opportunity. These could include being part of an exclusive group, or a chance to invest in a new, revolutionary product. The scammer may pose as a financial adviser or a successful trader. They use persuasive language and manipulation to earn your trust. Often, they will create a sense of urgency, pressuring you to invest before the "opportunity" disappears. Sometimes, scammers use fake testimonials or display "proof" of their success to further convince you to invest. They ask for an initial payment, promising big returns in a short time. However, once you have given them your money, they disappear, leaving you with significant financial loss.


Capitaleliteasset.com is known for being a crypto exchange scam. The website was only 103 days old when reported. It claims to operate under a business name not registered in the state it says it’s based in. Customer service phone number isn’t listed on the site. They promise big profits if you invest, but when you […]


Redbridgetradeinvestment.com has been identified as a fraudulent investment website. This site lures potential investors with the promise of substantial profits. However, upon investing, these unsuspecting individuals find their money gone, and the operators of the site nowhere to be found. A glimpse at the website reveals numerous incomplete pages, filled with placeholder content and default […]


Levinehatus.shop, a relatively new website at just 31 days old, has been identified as perpetuating a counterfeit store scam. The site lacks key customer service features, such as a contact phone number, raising suspicions about its legitimacy. Doubt also surrounds the originality of its content, which shows striking similarities to other websites, suggesting it may […]


Rainbowcryptotradingplatform.com stands accused of fraudulent investment activities. Potential investors are enticed with the promise of substantial returns, but after the money changes hands, the fraudsters disappear. Despite its claims, the company has no presence or feedback on key customer review sites. The partnerships it boasts of on its website are nothing but smoke and mirrors. […]


Kia-gold.com is engaged in fraudulent activities, falsely promising high returns on investments. Once the investment is made, the fraudsters abscond with the money, leaving the investor high and dry. The business address provided on the website is a facsimile, with no actual presence at the stated location. Furthermore, the business name, as it appears on […]

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