11 months ago


Fake stores

Jann-june.com has been identified as a fraudulent online store. The website, which was only live for 53 days at the point of discovery, lacks a listed customer service phone number. It appears that the content on the site is not original, but rather duplicated from other sources. The displayed photos do not accurately represent the products being advertised for sale. There are multiple pages on the site that remain incomplete, populated with default content and placeholder text. Additionally, the company’s presence on social media platforms is virtually non-existent.

A fake store scam typically involves the creation of an online storefront that falsely advertises products. These scams often involve copied content, inaccurate product images, and a lack of customer service contact information. They may also have unfinished pages with placeholder text and minimal to no social media presence. The aim is to deceive potential customers into making purchases but never delivering the goods.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Default content
Fake business name
Fake images
Fake promises
Recently registered
Unfinished website
Unrealistic discounts

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam happens when fraudsters create a fake online store. The store appears legitimate, complete with product listings, customer reviews, and secure payment options. These scams are often advertised on social media platforms or through unsolicited emails. Scammers behind these bogus stores often promise high-value items at incredibly low prices. This is a classic bait-and-switch tactic. The goal here is to lure unsuspecting shoppers into making a purchase. Once the purchase is made, the buyer either receives a counterfeit item, a product of inferior quality, or nothing at all. The scammer, on the other hand, makes off with the money and personal information, which can be used for further fraudulent activities. These fake stores typically disappear without trace after a few days or weeks, making it difficult for victims to recover their money or report the scam to authorities. It's a modern form of online deception that is becoming increasingly prevalent due to the ease of setting up online stores.


Obermski.com, a website suspected to be based in China, has been identified as a fraudulent online store. Despite being a relatively new site, only 93 days old at the time of discovery, it has already raised numerous red flags. The images used on the site do not accurately represent the products being sold, suggesting a […]


Many reports suggest that Cirevaluetrades.com is operating a fraudulent investment scheme. This website tempts potential investors by offering large returns on initial investments. However, once these funds are deposited, they disappear, likely stolen by the scammers behind the operation. A noticeable red flag is the complete lack of social media presence for this so-called business. […]


The website Globalsecadminlegitrades.com is involved in fraudulent investment activities. It promises attractive returns, but in reality, the operators pocket the invested money and then disappear. The content on the site is not original and seems to be copied from other similar platforms. The site itself was found to be merely 42 days old at the […]


Portionti.com is an illegitimate e-commerce platform that falsely advertises discounts on a wide range of consumer and professional electronic food scales. The website employs misleading contact information, including a non-functional phone number and an address that corresponds to a residential district in Palestine, IL. The domain name is relatively new, having been registered on November […]


Jandy-trade.com, a recently established website, is under suspicion for operating a fraudulent online store. The domain name, only 91 days old at the time of this report, is not associated with any social media platforms, raising concerns about its legitimacy. The content on the website is far from original, closely resembling that of other websites, […]

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