11 months ago


Fake stores

Elemeshop.com, an online marketplace, has drawn attention due to allegations of running a scam. The merchandise showcased on the site, instead of being genuine, appears to use stock images. As per the most recent information, the website is just 45 days old. The content presented on the site lacks originality, seeming to have been sourced from similar platforms. Interestingly, there isn’t any contact number mentioned for customer service. The goods available are not authentic and their substandard quality could impose a potential risk for consumers. An exploration of the site revealed numerous underdeveloped pages, populated with placeholder text and default content.

A fake store scam typically involves a website that presents itself as an online shop. They entice customers with attractive but fake products, often using stock images. Customers who make purchases never receive their items or receive counterfeit or substandard goods instead. Further, these fake online shops often lack genuine contact information, making it difficult for victims to seek redress or assistance.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Default content
Fake business name
Fake images
Fake promises
Recently registered
Unfinished website
Unrealistic discounts

Missing Information

No phone numbers
A fake store scam occurs when a fraudster sets up an online shopping site that pretends to be a legitimate business. These scams lure you with offers of popular products at low prices. The scammers design the site in a professional manner, often copying authentic sites. They promise quick delivery and secure payment options. They may also use fake reviews to make the site appear trustworthy. However, once you make a purchase the product never arrives. The scammer takes your money and may also steal your credit card information. They vanish, and the fake store disappears. Scammers also use phishing tactics. They manipulate you into providing personal data or login credentials. They then use this information for identity theft. Remember, the aim of these scams is to deceive and rob unsuspecting shoppers. If a deal seems too good to be true, it often, is.


Trumdecor.net has been flagged as a fraudulent online store. This discovery was made when the website was just 92 days old. Doubts have been raised about the originality of the site’s content, as it appears to have been copied from other websites. The products advertised on this platform are fake and could potentially be dangerous […]


Shaquaya.com, a relatively new website, has been identified as a fraudulent online store. It had only been operational for 68 days when the scam was discovered. The site does not provide a customer service phone number, raising red flags about its legitimacy. It seems to employ mimicry, as its content closely resembles that of similar […]


Shoehqshop.com appears to be running a scam, posing as a legitimate store. The website is a recent creation, with its domain name only 43 days old at the time of our investigation. It’s concerning that there’s no customer service phone number listed on the site. Additionally, the images displayed for the products are misleading and […]


Outletrestroom.com has been flagged as a fraudulent online shop. Detected just 54 days after its creation, the website lacks key customer service features such as a contact phone number. The content of the website is far from unique, closely mirroring that of similar websites. The products listed for sale are counterfeit, potentially harmful due to […]


Truststakingoptions.com operates a crypto scam. The site promises substantial returns on your investment. However, once you invest, your money disappears into the hands of the scammers. Not a single review for the company can be located. The business lacks a presence on social media. Many pages on the website remain incomplete, filled with preset content […]

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