11 months ago


Fake stores

Our team has uncovered that Ilogana.com is running a counterfeit online store. The website itself is relatively new, having been registered just 53 days ago at the time of our investigation. It lacks a customer service phone number, making it difficult for customers to reach out with queries or concerns. The content on this website is not unique, suggesting it has been copied from similar sites. The products advertised are not genuine and may pose a risk to consumers due to the substandard materials used in their creation. The images displayed on the site do not accurately represent the actual products. Several pages on the website are still a work in progress, filled with generic text and filler content. The company doesn’t have a strong presence on social media platforms. Furthermore, we couldn’t find any reviews about the company.

A fake store scam is a fraudulent online shop that lures customers with attractive offers and images of products that are not genuine. These scams often lack customer service contact information, have copied content, and no social media presence. The products they sell are usually of inferior quality and potentially dangerous.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Default content
Fake business name
Fake images
Fake promises
Recently registered
Unfinished website
Unrealistic discounts

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam is a type of fraud where criminals create a fake online store. They make it look like a legitimate business to trick people into buying nonexistent products. These scammers often use social media or email to advertise their fake store. They might offer high-demand items at a significantly lower price to lure victims. Once a victim places an order, they never receive the product. The scammers collect the payment and disappear. The victim is left with no product and a loss of money. Be careful when shopping online. Always research the store and check for customer reviews before making a purchase. If a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is.


A new website, Bitglobalcrypto.com, runs a crypto exchange scam. The scam surfaced when the site was just 102 days old. It claims to operate under a business name that isn’t registered with the state. The content looks fake, copying material from other sites. There’s no social media presence. The phone numbers listed on the site […]


Vltavatrade.com has been flagged as a fraudulent investment platform. The website, which was only 146 days old when the scam was detected, is owned and operated by a foreign entity. There’s no phone number provided for customer service, and the business address mentioned on the site is incorrect. Furthermore, the company lacks any social media […]


Sharpprices.shop, a relatively new website, has been identified as a fraudulent online store. The discovery was made when the website was just shy of its 100th day. It’s concerning that the website lacks a customer service phone number. The content on the site seems to be plagiarized, and the products offered for purchase are not […]


Pershinglimited.com is a fake investment site. They promise huge profits, but once you invest, they disappear with your money. When discovered, the site was just 9 days old. There’s no customer service phone number, and the company isn’t on social media at all. An investment scam is when someone tricks you into giving them money […]


Starlitetradings.com, a relatively new website at 71 days old, is reportedly running an investment scam. A glaring red flag is the absence of a customer service phone number, making it difficult for potential investors to get in touch. Adding to the suspicion, the site features fabricated reviews from imaginary people, a common tactic used to […]

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