8 months ago


Investment scams

Monaktrade.org has been flagged as a fraudulent investment scheme. It lures investors with promises of significant returns on their investments. However, once the investment is made, the fraudsters pocket the money and vanish without a trace. Several pages on the site remain under construction, populated with placeholder content and nonsensical text. Despite its online presence, the site lacks any following on social media platforms. The partnerships it boasts of are nothing but elaborate hoaxes. Moreover, the graphics used on the site fail to genuinely represent the product on offer. Interestingly, the website was discovered to be just 46 days old at the time it was identified as a scam.

An investment scam is a deceptive practice where fraudsters trick investors into parting with their money under the guise of lucrative investment opportunities. These scams often promise high returns with little to no risk, and typically involve elaborate schemes to make them appear legitimate. The fraudsters then abscond with the investors’ money, leaving them with significant financial losses.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Default content
Fake address
Fake business name
Fake images
Fake partnerships
Fake promises
Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No reviews
No social media
An investment scam is a deceptive practice. It's designed to take your money under the guise of a promising business opportunity. These scams often promise high returns with little risk. They use persuasive tactics to lure you in. The scammer might claim to have special information or insider tips. They may also use complex jargon to confuse you. The goal is to make you believe you're making a smart, profitable investment. But in reality, your money is not being invested as promised. Instead, it's often used to pay off earlier investors or taken by the scammer. When the scam is exposed, you're left with nothing. Always be wary of investments that sound too good to be true. Do your research and consult with trusted financial advisors before investing your money.


People have reported Empablockmarket.live for swindling investors. The company promises substantial returns, but once the investment is made, the fraudsters disappear, pocketing the funds. A clear absence of the company is evident on renowned consumer review platforms. Social media platforms also show no trace of the company’s presence. Several incomplete pages, filled with commonplace content […]


Bluejeanbaby.shop has raised some red flags, as it appears to be operating a fraudulent online store. The content on the website is not original but a mere copy. The products advertised on the site are not as they seem, and could even be dangerous due to the poor quality materials used in their manufacture. The […]


Our investigation reveals that Radialllantas.shop is functioning as a fraudulent online store. The merchandise they offer is counterfeit and potentially harmful due to the substandard materials used in their production. We’ve noticed that this website’s content mirrors that of other similar sites, casting doubt on its originality. Moreover, the images displayed on the site fail […]


Campingmbbel.com operates a counterfeit store scheme. The website was merely 56 days old when discovered. Strangely, there isn’t a customer service number listed on the site. An analysis of the website’s content reveals a lack of originality; it appears to be a carbon copy of other similar websites. The images shown on the website are […]


Bitfundsoptions.org stands accused of orchestrating a crypto exchange scam. They dangle the promise of significant returns on your investment, only to vanish with your hard-earned money once you commit. At the point of exposing this fraudulent activity, the website had only been operational for 25 days. It lacks a customer service contact number. The reviews […]

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