11 months ago


Fake stores

Lightfixtur.com appears to be running a fraudulent operation. A notable red flag is the absence of a customer service phone number on their website, which is typically a standard feature for legitimate businesses. Our investigation into the site’s data shows unoriginal content that mirrors that of other similar sites, indicating a lack of authenticity. Furthermore, the images displayed on the site are counterfeit, adding to the growing list of concerns. Lastly, Lightfixtur.com has no discernible presence on social media, a platform most businesses utilize to establish credibility and engage with customers.

A fake store scam involves a fraudulent website pretending to be a legitimate online shop. These scams trick customers into purchasing non-existent goods or services, typically with no recourse for refunds or returns.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Default content
Fake address
Fake business name
Fake images
Fake promises
Recently registered
Unfinished website
Unrealistic discounts

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam is a fraudulent scheme where scammers create a fake online store. These stores seem real and offer products at attractive prices. However, once you make a purchase, you either receive a counterfeit product or nothing at all. Scammers use sophisticated methods to make their stores look genuine. They use professional-looking websites, fake reviews, and even fake social media accounts. They often use stolen images and product descriptions from legitimate online stores. To protect yourself, always research the store before making a purchase. Look for reviews from other customers, and check if the store has a secure payment method. If the prices seem too good to be true, it probably is a scam. Remember, online shopping can be convenient and safe, but it's important to stay vigilant. If you suspect a store is fake, report it to the relevant authorities.


Vidjfne.shop, it seems, is running a counterfeit store scam. This online shop peddles imitation products that could potentially be hazardous due to the poor quality of materials used in their production. The physical address listed on the website is bogus, and the business itself is not legally registered in the state it purports to operate […]


Recently, we stumbled upon Furnitureusunique.com, which, upon inspection, turned out to be a fraudulent online store. The website’s registration was a mere 53 days old when we conducted our investigation. One glaring omission was any customer support contact info, particularly a phone number. The content of the website raised more red flags, appearing suspiciously similar […]


The website known as Shopthirteenlune.shop has been found to be involved in a counterfeit store scam. This discovery was made when the website was merely a month old. A conspicuous absence of a customer support phone number raises suspicion about its legitimacy. The items being sold on the site are not genuine, and the low-quality […]


Consumers have flagged Sciortadeas.com for operating a fraudulent online store. The website, registered only 132 days ago, has raised suspicions due to its lack of a customer service phone number. Additionally, the site uses generic stock images for its product listings, further eroding its credibility. Despite its online presence, the website has failed to garner […]


A new website called Apexcoininvest.com is running a crypto exchange scam. The scam was discovered when the site was just 103 days old. There’s no phone number for customer service on the site. The company isn’t registered in the state it claims to operate in. The online partnerships it promotes are fake. The site promises […]

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