12 months ago


Investment scams

Our investigation reveals that the website Phantomminers.online is running a fraudulent investment scheme. They promise hefty returns on your investment, but once you deposit money, the fraudsters abscond with it. The images displayed on their site do not genuinely represent the product they’re selling. We uncovered this scam when the website was just 42 days into operation. The site includes many incomplete pages filled with default content and filler text, indicating a hastily put together operation. Furthermore, the affiliations the company claims to have on its website are fictitious.

An investment scam is a deceptive practice where fraudsters lure investors with the promise of high returns. They often use sophisticated tactics to appear legitimate, including professional-looking websites and false affiliations. However, once the investor deposits their money, the scammers disappear, leaving the investor with significant losses.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Default content
Fake address
Fake business name
Fake images
Fake partnerships
Fake promises
Recently registered
Unfinished website
An investment scam is a deceptive practice. It tricks people into investing money with the promise of high returns. These scams often involve unregistered securities. They can also include pyramid schemes or Ponzi schemes. In a pyramid scheme, the returns for older investors are paid by new investors. In a Ponzi scheme, a scammer collects money from new investors and uses it to pay supposed returns to earlier-stage investors. Investment scams can be presented in many forms. Some may appear as business opportunities or even as a chance to invest in new technology. The scammer usually doesn't invest the money as promised. Instead, they use it for personal gain. To avoid falling victim to these scams, always research before investing. Be wary of unsolicited investment offers. Also, remember if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.


Forextrasmarttrading.com, a recently launched website, has been identified as an investment scam. The company promises substantial returns on investments, but once the money is invested, the scammers disappear. Despite its promises, the company lacks a presence on major consumer review platforms, and there’s no evidence of any social media followers. The website itself is riddled […]


Customers have raised concerns about Hoxi.shop, indicating that it could be a fraudulent online store. The website, which is a mere 32 days old at the time of discovery, lacks a customer service phone number. It appears its content isn’t original, as it bears striking similarities to other online stores. The products sold on this […]


Eminnovationassetpro.com is scamming people with a fake crypto exchange. The website is only 103 days old. Many pages are still under construction, filled with placeholder text. The company has no followers on social media. The site contains copied content from other websites, which makes it obvious that it’s not original. A crypto exchange scam tricks […]


Our investigation has revealed that Jurisresolve.com is involved in a fraudulent cryptocurrency operation. The website, which is a mere 84 days old, is not registered in the state it claims to be operating from. Furthermore, the business address provided on the website is not genuine. The reviews showcased on the website are not from actual […]


Bitproffittrade.live has been flagged as an investment scam. When discovered, the site was just 13 days old. It lacks a customer service phone number. The address listed for the company is fake. Promises of high returns lure you in, but once you invest, the scammers vanish with your money. Reviews for the company are non-existent. […]

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