11 months ago


Investment scams

Facileassetsmarket.com has been identified as an investment scam. They promise substantial returns on your investment, but once you transfer your funds, the scammers vanish with your money. The pictures displayed on this website are fraudulent. As of now, the website is only 41 days old, and there is no customer service phone number provided. Furthermore, the content of the website is unoriginal and has been plagiarized from another similar site.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Default content
Fake address
Fake business name
Fake images
Fake partnerships
Fake promises
Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No phone numbers
Investment scams are fraudulent schemes that aim to deceive individuals into giving away their money with the promise of high returns. These scams often appear legitimate and may involve fake investment opportunities or pyramid schemes. Scammers use various tactics to gain the trust of their victims, such as offering guaranteed profits, using persuasive sales pitches, or creating a sense of urgency. Once victims invest their money, the scammers disappear, leaving the victims with significant financial losses. It is important to be cautious and skeptical when approached with investment opportunities that seem too good to be true. Always research and verify the legitimacy of the investment and the individuals or companies involved. Be wary of high-pressure tactics or promises of guaranteed returns, as legitimate investments always carry some level of risk. To protect yourself from investment scams, consider the following tips: 1. Educate yourself: Learn about different investment options and understand how they work. This knowledge will help you identify potential red flags and make informed decisions. 2. Verify credentials: Research the individuals or companies offering the investment. Check if they are registered with relevant regulatory authorities and if they have a history of complaints or legal issues. 3. Seek professional advice: Consult with a licensed financial advisor or investment professional before making any investment decisions. They can provide valuable insights and help you navigate the investment landscape. 4. Be cautious of unsolicited offers: Be wary of unsolicited phone calls, emails, or social media messages promoting investment opportunities. Legitimate investment opportunities are rarely offered out of the blue. 5. Trust your instincts: If something feels off or too good to be true, it probably is. Trust your gut instincts and don't let greed cloud your judgment. Remember, the old saying holds true: "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is." By staying vigilant, conducting thorough research, and seeking professional advice, you can protect yourself from falling victim to investment scams.


Consumers have flagged Betterknifesale.com for operating an illicit online store scam. It lacked any sort of reviews on well-known consumer feedback websites. Their social media accounts were devoid of followers. Numerous pages on their website remained in a draft state, populated with generic content and placeholder entries. The content of the website raises questions about […]


Bitpandtrade.com is operating a fraudulent investment scheme. The website, which has been active for 144 days at the time of this report, lacks a visible customer service number. The business address provided on the site is phony. Its presence on social media is almost invisible. No reviews for the company are available on well-known consumer […]


Mogasbe.com, a relatively new website, is involved in a deceptive online retail scheme. Despite being only 66 days old at the time of discovery, the website lacks essential features such as a customer service contact number. Its content appears to be copied from other similar sites, raising questions about its authenticity. The products on offer […]


Vestorfunds.com has been identified as operating an investment scam. The website is relatively new, being only 40 days old. It has been found to contain duplicate content, which has been copied from another similar website. The images displayed on the site do not accurately represent the actual product being offered. Additionally, there are several unfinished […]


Our investigation reveals that Hamptonshome.shop is not a legitimate business. This company lacks a presence on social media platforms. The material found on their website is not original, but copied from other sources. The items they offer are not genuine and could potentially be harmful due to the inferior materials used in their manufacture. The […]

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