11 months ago


Investment scams

Intrexmarkethub.com has been identified as running an investment scam. The website promises high returns on your investment, but once you invest, the scammers abscond with your funds. The images shown on the site do not accurately represent the actual product being sold. The scam came to light within just 41 days of the website’s creation. Additionally, unoriginal content, likely copied from other similar sources, has been discovered on this website. Be cautious and avoid falling victim to this fraudulent scheme.

Investment scams involve deceptive practices where individuals or organizations promise high returns on investments but instead steal the invested money, leaving the victims with significant financial losses.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Default content
Fake address
Fake business name
Fake images
Fake partnerships
Fake promises
Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No reviews
Investment scams are fraudulent schemes designed to deceive individuals into investing their money in fake or nonexistent opportunities. These scams often promise high returns with little to no risk, appealing to people's desire for quick and easy profits. Scammers may use various tactics to lure victims, such as offering insider information, using persuasive sales pitches, or creating a sense of urgency. One common type of investment scam is the Ponzi scheme, where early investors are paid with funds from new investors, giving the illusion of legitimate returns. However, as the scheme relies on a constant influx of new investors, it eventually collapses when there are not enough new investors to sustain it. Another type of investment scam is the pump and dump scheme, where fraudsters artificially inflate the price of a stock by spreading false or misleading information. Once the price has risen, they sell their shares, causing the price to plummet and leaving other investors with significant losses. To protect yourself from investment scams, it is important to be skeptical of any investment opportunity that promises unusually high returns or guarantees profits. Research the investment and the individuals or companies involved, checking for any red flags or negative reviews. Be cautious of unsolicited investment offers and always seek independent advice from a qualified financial professional. If you suspect you have been a victim of an investment scam, report it to your local authorities and financial regulatory bodies. Remember, it is better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your hard-earned money.


Flipstertrading.com, a newly established website, is under suspicion of being a fraudulent cryptocurrency exchange. The site, which is just 121 days old, lacks a customer service contact number, a red flag for potential scams. Despite claiming to operate from a certain state, there’s no evidence of the business being registered there. Furthermore, the partnerships advertised […]


Ourminerspacks.com has been identified as a fraudulent investment scheme. The site promises substantial profits, but there are reports of the operators disappearing with the investors’ money. The pictures shown on the website do not accurately depict the product being sold. The partnerships that the company claims to have are also false. The website was only […]


Through our investigation, we’ve discovered that Beonance.com operates as a fraudulent investment platform. They convince potential investors that they can expect significant returns, only to take the money and then vanish. We couldn’t find any reviews for the company; the website seemed unfinished and filled with default content and placeholder text. Claims of online partnerships […]


Juwahe.com, a recently-launched site, is under scrutiny for allegedly running a scam operation. The domain name, merely 91 days old at the time of this report, appears to be operating out of China. Counterfeit products, potentially hazardous due to the use of substandard materials, are being offered on this website. The illustrations depicting the items […]


Nabeegh.com operates a counterfeit store scam. Discovered when the website was a mere 67 days old, it lacks any customer service contact, such as a phone number. It’s noticeable that the content on the website doesn’t showcase originality, but rather, it copies from other similar platforms. The products on offer are not genuine and could […]

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