11 months ago


Investment scams

We have discovered that Corporateunion.org is running a fraudulent investment scheme. The site promises high returns on investments, but once you invest, the scammers abscond with your money. As of now, the website is only 35 days old and lacks a customer service phone number. The content on this site seems dubious, as it appears to be copied from other similar websites. Additionally, the site employs fake images. Many pages are still unfinished, containing placeholder content. The company’s claimed associations are fictitious, and there are no reviews on reputable consumer platforms. Lastly, the company is absent from social media.

Investment scams deceive individuals by promising significant returns on their investments, but ultimately swindle their money instead.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Default content
Fake address
Fake business name
Fake images
Fake partnerships
Fake promises
Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
Investment scams are fraudulent schemes designed to deceive individuals or organizations into investing their money in fake or non-existent ventures. Scammers typically promise high returns and use various tactics to gain the trust of their victims, such as presenting misleading information or using persuasive techniques. These scams can take many forms, including Ponzi schemes, pyramid schemes, or fraudulent investment opportunities. In a Ponzi scheme, scammers use money from new investors to pay returns to earlier investors, creating the illusion of a profitable investment. Pyramid schemes involve recruiting new investors to generate income for those at the top of the pyramid, with little or no actual product or service being offered. To avoid falling victim to an investment scam, it's essential to be cautious and skeptical. Always research and verify the legitimacy of any investment opportunity before committing your money. Be wary of unsolicited investment offers, as reputable investment opportunities are typically not promoted through cold calls or spam emails. Additionally, be cautious of promises of high returns with little or no risk. Remember that all investments carry some degree of risk, and if an offer seems too good to be true, it probably is. Legitimate investment opportunities are typically registered with relevant regulatory authorities and provide clear, transparent information about their operations, risks, and potential returns. If you suspect you have been targeted by an investment scam or have already fallen victim to one, it's crucial to report it to your local authorities or financial regulatory agencies immediately. They can investigate the matter and potentially help recover your funds. In conclusion, investment scams are fraudulent schemes that prey on individuals' desire for high returns. It's crucial to remain skeptical, research thoroughly, and be cautious when considering investment opportunities. Remember, if something seems too good to be true, it probably is.


Reports suggest that Jesusnicole.com is not a legitimate business, but a scam. The website appears to have originated from China, which raises some concerns. Content on the site is not original, but rather copied from other online sources. The images of the products they claim to sell are not authentic representations. Major consumer review platforms […]


Optimum-reliance.live is a scam. The website is 148 days old. The phone numbers don’t work. The address listed on the site doesn’t match any real business. The company isn’t registered in the state it claims to be in. They also have no social media accounts. An investment scam tricks people into giving money by promising […]


Capitallevitas.net has been noted as operating a deceptive scheme involving cryptocurrency exchange. The website, which was only 29 days old when the scam was detected, guarantees substantial returns on investments. However, once you invest, the money disappears into the pockets of the fraudsters. The website does not provide any contact phone number for customer service, […]


Customers have raised complaints about Shopspecialtytraders.shop, alleging it to be a sham. When the issue came to light, the website had been in existence for just over a month. The site lacks a contact number for customer service. It appears that the content on this digital platform is unoriginal, hinting at possible plagiarism from similar […]


On February 26, 2023, Ezdanex.com was flagged as a scam within the cryptocurrency category. This website is a recently registered domain name, having been registered on November 28, 2022. Despite claiming to offer legitimate crypto exchange and wallet services, it has been identified as a fraudulent operation aimed at stealing cryptocurrency from unsuspecting consumers. The […]

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