12 months ago


Investment scams

Multipipoptions.com has come under scrutiny as a purported investment fraud. The site tempts potential investors with the allure of substantial profits on their initial deposits, only for the fraudsters to abscond with the funds. The enterprise lacks any social media footprint. A number of incomplete pages riddled with default content and filler text have been found on the platform. Any partnerships touted by the company on their online portal are untrue. The pictures utilized on the website are also counterfeit. When this report was made, the website had only been in operation for 36 days. The originality of the site’s content is dubious, with evidence suggesting it may have been copied from other platforms.

Investment scams are deceptive schemes where fraudsters entice individuals to put money into a venture with promises of hefty returns. However, the scammers then abscond with the invested funds, leaving the investors with significant losses.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Default content
Fake address
Fake business name
Fake images
Fake partnerships
Fake promises
Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No reviews
No social media
An investment scam is a fraudulent scheme. Scammers use it to trick people out of their money. They promise high returns with little to no risk. The truth is, these investments often don't exist. They're just a way to steal your hard-earned cash. Common types of investment scams include Ponzi schemes and boiler room scams. Ponzi schemes involve paying returns to earlier investors using money from new investors. Boiler rooms are high-pressure sales environments. The scammer push you to make quick, high-risk investment decisions. Protect yourself from investment scams. Always do your own research. Be wary of investments that promise high returns with no risk. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.


Customers have raised concerns about Zelletinvestment.com, citing it as an investment scam. They promise attractive returns on your investment only to disappear with your money once you’ve invested. The company’s alleged affiliations, as stated on their website, are fictitious. A significant portion of the website is still under development, populated with generic content and filler […]


Coasthomehome.com operates a deceptive online shop. The site utilizes pre-made images for its product listings. The textual content appears to be copied, mirroring that found on comparable sites. The goods for sale on this site are counterfeit, posing a risk because of the substandard materials used in their creation. The firm has no visibility on […]


Gearbikeshop.com, a relatively new website of only 91 days, appears to be perpetrating a fake store scam. Research indicates that the individuals managing the website are likely based in China. The goods listed on this site are knock-offs, and potentially hazardous due to the subpar materials employed in their creation. Not only are the images […]


Consumers have flagged Lesbestsmaison.com for operating a fraudulent online store. The scam came to light when the website was a mere 92 days old. The products offered on the site are counterfeit, posing potential risks due to the substandard materials used in their manufacturing. Interestingly, the company does not hold registration in the state it […]


Taccodalto.com, a website we’ve been monitoring, appears to be running a counterfeit store scam. The website, which has been active for around 130 days, doesn’t offer a customer service phone line for its users. Furthermore, the images it uses are not authentic. Another red flag is its absence from social media platforms. Despite these warning […]

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