12 months ago


Fake stores

Many consumers are speaking out against Shopnylingerie.shop, claiming it’s a sham. The website sprang up recently, with the domain name barely a month old. You might struggle to find a customer service number; it’s nowhere in sight on their site. The content on the site seems to be a carbon copy of similar websites, raising questions about its originality. The merchandise images displayed on the site are suspiciously generic, failing to accurately represent the products they claim to sell. Plenty of the site’s pages remain unfinished, littered with default content and placeholder text. Even on social media, the website seems unpopular, boasting no followers.

A fake store scam is a scheme where fraudsters set up a bogus online store. They use it to trick customers into believing they’re purchasing legitimate products. In reality, these products either don’t exist or are grossly misrepresented. Victims often lose money, receive inferior products, or, in some cases, receive nothing at all.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Default content
Fake business name
Fake images
Fake promises
Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No social media
A fake store scam is when fraudsters create a counterfeit online store. They mimic popular shopping websites to trick you. The goal is to steal your personal and financial information. These fake stores can appear professional, complete with great deals and a vast selection. You might see ads for them on social media or receive emails. It's essential to be cautious. If a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is. Always check the website URL and read reviews before you buy. Secure websites start with 'https' and have a padlock symbol in the address bar. Don't provide your personal or financial information unless you're sure the website is legit. Scammers use this data for identity theft or unauthorized transactions. Being a smart shopper can save you from falling victim to a fake store scam.


Beauty-wear.com, a relatively new website, has been flagged as a fraudulent online store. Despite being just over three months old, the site is riddled with incomplete pages, default content, and placeholder text. A conspicuous absence of a customer service contact number raises further doubts about its legitimacy. The material on the website bears a striking […]


Rspindumentaria.com, a relatively new website at just -314 days old, has been identified as perpetrating a fake store scam. The site lacks a customer service phone number, a crucial feature for any legitimate online business. It’s also been found to plagiarize content, blatantly copying from other similar websites. The products on sale are represented using […]


Homegoods-plush.com has been flagged as a sham online store. Its social media presence is virtually nonexistent, with no followers on any platform. Major review websites have no records of any reviews for this company. The website registration is recent, only 59 days old at the time of this report. In addition, the website lacks a […]


Mvcashtocash.online has been flagged as an investment scam. The website was just registered, and it’s only 8 days old. The business name isn’t registered in the state it claims to be in. Moreover, there are no reviews for the company. The site seems to copy content from other similar websites, making it look suspicious. An […]


The website, Comcast-shares.com, operates as a fraudulent investment scheme. It deceitfully promises attractive profits to its investors. However, the moment you invest your hard earned money, the fraudsters disappear with it. The website is filled with unfinished pages, containing only placeholder content and pre-set text. The company’s social media accounts lack followers, suggesting an absence […]

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