12 months ago


Fake stores

Our investigation has revealed that Mikesbikesusa.shop is functioning as a counterfeit store scam. The website’s registration is recent, and at the time of our investigation, the site was just a month old. There’s no customer service phone number available on the site, which is a common trait of fraudulent businesses. Upon closer inspection, the content seems to be a direct copy from other similar websites, suggesting content duplication. The images used to showcase the products do not accurately represent the actual items being sold. The products sold on this website are knock-offs, which could potentially be harmful due to the low-quality materials used in their manufacture. Lastly, the business lacks a notable presence on social media platforms.

A fake store scam is a fraudulent scheme where a seemingly legitimate online store is created to deceive customers. The store often sells counterfeit products or does not deliver any product at all after payment is made. The site may use content and images copied from genuine websites to appear legitimate and often lacks customer service contact information.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Default content
Fake business name
Fake images
Fake promises
Recently registered
Unfinished website
Unrealistic discounts

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam is a fraudulent activity where scammers create a phony online store. These stores often sell products at incredibly low prices. The aim is to lure you into providing your credit card details or other personal information. Scammers can make these websites look very professional and legitimate. They often use images and descriptions from real online stores. Sometimes, they even use safe payment methods, such as credit cards and PayPal. Once you make a purchase, you'll either receive a counterfeit item, a product of lesser value, or nothing at all. To stay safe, always do your research before buying from an unfamiliar online store. Check for customer reviews and ensure the website has a secure payment system.


Many people have reported 2lar.online for perpetrating a fraudulent investment scheme. This company makes grand promises of quick financial growth, but the reality is that they immediately seize your invested money and disappear. Searches for customer reviews on widely-used review platforms yield no results. Likewise, the company is nowhere to be found on social media […]


Garshena.com appears to be running a deceptive online shop, lacking a visible customer service contact number. The originality of the content on the site is dubious, as it seems to be copied from various other sites. The variety of products available on this site may be misleading and potentially hazardous due to the substandard quality […]


Shoptnuck.shop is currently under the scanner for running a sham online store. The website, which is barely a month old, conspicuously lacks a customer service contact number. It tends to mimic content from similar websites, which raises suspicions about its credibility. The products showcased on the website are represented by stock images, further casting doubt […]


Tradetell.site, a website that’s been active for 139 days, is unfortunately a front for an investment scam. The site promises high returns on initial investments, but in reality, it’s a trap set by fraudsters who vanish once they have your money. The customer service numbers provided on the site don’t work, and the company’s listed […]


Redfinance.ltd has been identified as conducting fraudulent investment operations. The site is riddled with unfinished web pages, stuffed with placeholder text and generic content. They paint a picture of high returns on your investments, but once you put in your money, the fraudsters disappear with it. The only reviews of the website available are those […]

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