is under scrutiny, suspected of running a counterfeit online store scam. The website was set up recently, with its domain name a mere 27 days old at the time of this analysis. Strangely, the website doesn’t have a contact number for customer service. It features content that appears to be copied from similar websites. The products showcased on the site are misleading and potentially hazardous due to the subpar quality of raw materials used in their production. The images shown on the site don’t truthfully represent the products being sold. A significant number of incomplete pages filled with placeholder text and default content are found across the website. Surprisingly, the company is absent from social media. In addition, the company’s reviews are conspicuously missing.
A fake store scam involves setting up a bogus online store offering products at incredibly low prices. Usually, the scammer’s intent is to lure unsuspecting customers into providing their credit card details or other personal information. These sites typically have a recent registration date, lack customer feedback, and their content appears to be copied from other legitimate sites.