12 months ago


Fake stores

Jacksmorgan.com pulls a fake store scam on unsuspecting customers. This deceit was uncovered, only 28 days into the website’s existence. A customer service phone number is nowhere to be found on the site. The materials used on the website lack originality, they mirror other sites of similar nature. Images displayed for products fail to represent the actual items on sale. Uncompleted pages riddle the website, replete with placeholder text and default content.

Fake store scams involve a faux online shop that lures customers into buying non-existent goods. They take your money, but you never get your purchase or a refund. Often, these scam sites use copied images and descriptions from legitimate sellers.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Default content
Fake business name
Fake images
Fake promises
New website
Recently registered
Unfinished website
Unrealistic discounts

Missing Information

No phone numbers
A fake store scam is when a fraudster creates a fake online store. They then claim to sell products at significantly lower prices. These stores often advertise on social media platforms or through unsolicited emails. The goal is to trick you into providing your credit card information. In this scam, you won't receive the product you paid for. Even worse, your credit card information might get misused by the scammer. They could make unauthorized purchases or even sell your data on the dark web. To protect yourself from such scams, be skeptical of online stores that offer products at extremely low prices. Always research the store before making any purchase. Look for reviews and check if the store's contact information is legitimate. Never provide your credit card information unless you're sure the website is secure and reputable.


Beware of Ascontrades.com! They are running a scam where they promise you big returns on your investment. However, once you invest your money, the scammers take it for themselves and disappear. There are no reviews of the website from independent sources. The photos on the site are fake. It’s a new website, only 41 days […]


Clothepecials.com, a relatively new website at just 128 days old, is operating a deceptive online store. They’ve neglected to provide a customer service number, which raises suspicion. The products they offer may seem appealing, however, the poor quality of the materials used in their creation presents a potential risk. The absence of an official business […]


Shopblissboutiques.shop, a relatively new online store, was flagged recently as a fraudulent operation. This was uncovered merely a month after its creation. A customer service contact number is conspicuously absent from the website, raising further suspicions. The pictures displayed on the site are not authentic, adding to the growing list of red flags. Many of […]


Profxgroups.com is a name that has been flagged for running a crypto exchange scam. This website, registered not long ago, is only 79 days old as per the latest report. Promising huge returns on your investment, it turns out to be a ploy used by scammers to run away with your money. Unfortunately, there is […]


Our investigation reveals that Capitaltradingcoins.net is functioning as a fraudulent investment scheme. The phone numbers provided on the site seem to be out of service, and the physical address of the business listed on the site is unverifiable. Doubts arise regarding the authenticity of the website’s content, as it bears striking similarities to other similar […]

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