12 months ago


Fake stores

Rafaelo.shop operates a sham store scam. The site’s inventory comprises counterfeit items, which could pose a risk due to the substandard materials used in making them. The scam came to light when the website had been active for merely 25 days. The absence of a customer service contact number raises eyebrows. A number of pages on the website lay incomplete, still housing default content and placeholder text. The website’s content lacks creativity, seemingly duplicating material from similar sites verbatim.

Fake store scams involve deceitful websites that pose as legitimate online shops. They often sell counterfeit goods of poor quality. These scams usually lack customer service contacts, and their websites may include incomplete pages with placeholder text. They often duplicate content from other websites, lacking originality.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Default content
Fake images
Fake promises
Fake reviews
New website
Recently registered
Unfinished website
Unrealistic discounts

Missing Information

No phone numbers
A fake store scam is a deceptive trick where fraudsters create a website that mimics a legitimate online store. The aim is to lure innocent buyers into purchasing items that don't exist. The sites often display attractive deals on popular products, enticing people to part with their hard-earned cash. Once a purchase is made, the scammer collects your payment information and personal details. They will then disappear without delivering the promised goods. One may also become a victim of identity theft due to the exposure of personal data. To avoid falling victim to such scams, be cautious when shopping online. Always check out the credibility of the online store, especially if the deals seem too good to be true. Look for secure website indicators, like an "https" prefix in the URL. Remember, if it's too good to be true, it probably isn't.


A report indicates that Aliensandstrangersmusics.shop might be a sham. Only 27 days old at the time of discovery, the website raised suspicions. A missing phone number for customer service adds to the uncertainty. Stock images used for the products on sale do not inspire confidence. Multiple pages on the site reveal ongoing development, filled with […]


Consumers have labelled Enigmaticaesthetics.com as a dubious online store, launching concerns over its authenticity. Although only 52 days old at the time of discovery, the website has already sparked suspicion. The products offered for purchase on this platform are not authentic, and their production involves the use of substandard materials, potentially posing a risk to […]


On February 6, 2023, Expositiont.com was reported as an online scam. The website was registered on May 6, 2022, making it relatively new. The ownership of the website is obscured by a third-party privacy service, and no customer support number is provided. The address listed on the website is fraudulent. The company asserts that it […]


Consumers have flagged Estocktraderfx.com for executing an investment fraud. The website, recently established, is merely 141 days old at the time of this report. It lacks a customer service contact number and any social media profiles. The company is also absent from well-known consumer review platforms. They promise high returns on investments, but after you […]


Outdoororderopt.com, a website that was barely three months old, has been flagged as a fraudulent online store. The scam came to light when it was noticed that the website did not provide a customer service phone number. The products offered on the site are not genuine and could potentially be harmful due to the use […]

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