12 months ago


Investment scams

Infinoxtrades.com, a website only 28 days old, has fallen under suspicion for running an illegitimate investment operation. Promises of significant returns lure in unsuspecting victims, only for the scammers to allegedly disappear with their hard-earned money. Noticeably absent from social networks, the company raises further red flags. Unfinished web pages, filled with generic content and placeholder text, litter the site. Additionally, the website boasts of partnerships that in reality, hold no authenticity. More surprisingly, all photographs displayed on the website are counterfeit, adding to the list of deceitful tactics employed by the site.

An investment scam typically involves an individual or a company offering false opportunities for substantial financial gain. The scammer usually promises high returns for little risk, but instead of investing the money as promised, they use it for personal gain. The victim is often left with significant financial loss.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Default content
Fake address
Fake business name
Fake images
Fake partnerships
Fake promises
Fake reviews
New website
Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No reviews
No social media
An investment scam is a deceptive practice. It tricks people into putting their money into fake or fraudulent investments. The scammer might promise high returns with little risk. They often use slick sales pitches and high-pressure tactics. The truth is, these "investments" are usually worthless. They might not exist at all. The scammer takes the victim's money and vanishes. There are many types of investment scams. Ponzi schemes, pyramid schemes and pump-and-dump scams are among the most common. All promise quick riches, but in reality, they are just ways for the scammer to get rich at the expense of others. Investment scams can be hard to spot. They often seem like legitimate opportunities. But there are warning signs. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Always do your research and consult with a trusted financial advisor before making an investment. Remember, there's no such thing as a sure thing when it comes to investing. Be wary of anyone who claims otherwise.


Cristol-biz.com, a recently launched website, appears to be a fraudulent cryptocurrency operation. The domain name, barely 146 days old, lacks essential contact details such as a customer support phone number. The business address provided online is fictitious, and there are no social media profiles linked to the company. Despite its absence on major consumer review […]


Tomaloaqui.com, a 26-day-old website, operates a counterfeit store scam. There’s a lack of any customer service contact number on the site. The business address it provides has been proven false. The products’ images on the site don’t truly represent the items on sale. Numerous incomplete pages on the site display standard content and filler text. […]


Aiwalletfx.com has been found to be conducting fraudulent investment activities. They have a crafty way of convincing you that your investments will yield high returns. However, once you’ve parted with your money, they vanish without a trace. Notably, none of the prominent review platforms have any feedback about them. Their social media presence is also […]


The website known as Officeready.shop has been identified as a fraudulent online store. The items showcased on this platform are not genuine and could potentially pose a threat due to the substandard materials used in their manufacture. It seems that this site employs imitation strategies, sourcing its content from similar websites. The images displayed on […]


Roycemusics.shop is a scam site. It was recently created and is only 121 days old. Many pages on the site are incomplete and filled with generic text. The content isn’t unique. The business address listed is fake. They have no followers on social media and no reviews on major review sites. Be careful and avoid […]

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