12 months ago


Investment scams

Nadexlegitoption.com has been flagged for fraudulent activity. They promise that your investment will experience significant growth. However, once you’ve invested your money, the crafty swindlers abscond with it. The company barely makes itself known on any social media platforms. Furthermore, their website is littered with incomplete pages that are filled with generic content and placeholder text. The alliances they boast of on their website are merely figments of their imagination. The images displayed on their website are not real either. On the day it was identified, the website had only been active for 29 days. Also, the website doesn’t offer any customer service phone number.

An investment scam is a scheme that entices unsuspecting individuals to invest their money under the pretense of high returns. The fraudsters then take the money and vanish, leaving the investor with significant losses.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Default content
Fake address
Fake business name
Fake images
Fake partnerships
Fake promises
Fake reviews
Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
An investment scam is a deceitful scheme. These schemes trick people into investing their money with false promises of high returns. Scammers can use various tactics to lure their victims. They may claim to have insider information or guaranteed returns. Common types of investment scams include Ponzi schemes and pyramid schemes. In a Ponzi scheme, the scammer pays returns to earlier investors using money invested by new investors. A pyramid scheme requires each investor to recruit more investors. The pyramid collapses when there are not enough new investors. Investment scams can happen to anyone. It's important to be cautious and do thorough research before investing your money. Don't be fooled by promises of quick profits or pressure to invest immediately. Always check the credentials of the person or company offering the investment. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.


Bestshopmarineparts.com has been identified as a fraudulent online store. The site, which appears to be operated from China, was only 104 days old at the time of detection. The business address listed on the website is non-existent, and the company has no social media presence or customer service phone number. Additionally, the company is absent […]


We found Eliteprofx.com posing as a fraudulent crypto exchange. Only 24 days old when we spotted it, the site offers lofty returns on investments. Invest, and the fraudsters disappear with your funds. Contact numbers listed on the site are out of service. An entity or persons abroad hold the reins of the site. Reviews of […]


Stinkaitly.com, a website that has been active for 92 days, is operating a fraudulent online store. The items listed for sale on this platform are counterfeit, potentially harmful due to the substandard materials used in their creation. The physical address listed for the business on the site is fictitious. The website’s content appears to be […]


Basicfuture.top finds itself the subject of scam accusations. Promises of profits, high and enticing, lure potential investors to this crypto exchange platform. Sadly, these promises remain just that, with users reporting stolen money after transactions. A thorough search yields no independent reviews of the website, only what they themselves have published. Their social media presence […]


People have reported Bebikesaleshop.com for operating a scam disguised as an online store. The website lacks a customer service phone number, leaving customers without a direct line of contact. The images on the site do not accurately represent the products they claim to sell. Furthermore, the website does not list an official business name, which […]

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