12 months ago


Investment scams

The website Macfxmining.com is involved in fraudulent activities. It lures investors with the promise of high returns, only to disappear after the investment has been made. Surprisingly, there is a complete lack of reviews of this website outside of its own pages. Its presence on social media platforms is non-existent. Many incomplete web pages, riddled with default content and placeholder text, were found on the site. Additionally, the online collaborations they advertise are purely fictional. It’s also been observed that they use generic stock images for their product display. The fraudulent nature of the operation was uncovered mere 30 days after the website’s creation.

An investment scam is a deceptive act where fraudsters make false claims about investment opportunities. They often promise high returns to attract investors. Once the investment is made, they disappear with the invested money, leaving the investors at a loss.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Default content
Fake address
Fake business name
Fake images
Fake partnerships
Fake promises
Fake reviews
Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No reviews
No social media
An investment scam is a fraudulent practice to cheat investors. These scams trick people into putting their money into investments that promise high returns. But in reality, they are just schemes to take your money. One common type of investment fraud is the Ponzi scheme. The scammer promises high returns to investors. However, the profits are not from real investments. They come from the money paid by new investors. The scheme collapses when there aren't enough new investors to pay the old ones. Another type is the pump and dump scheme. Here, scammers buy cheap stocks, inflate the prices by spreading false information, and then sell it at a high price. Once they sell, the stock prices drop, causing heavy losses for the investors. Remember, if an investment sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Always do your research before investing your money.


Antgpttrade.com, a newly established website, is orchestrating a crypto scam. The domain name, which is only 120 days old, lacks a customer service phone number. The company purports to operate under a business name that isn’t registered in the state they claim to be based in. Despite having social media accounts, the company has no […]


Xpertrades.com, a relatively new website, is under suspicion for running a cryptocurrency exchange scam. The website, which is just 80 days old, promises high returns on investments. However, once the investment is made, the supposed operators of the site disappear, taking the money with them. There is a lack of reviews for the website outside […]


Our investigation reveals that Optskishopus.com is a fraudulent online shop. This discovery was made when the website was only 93 days into operation. Interestingly, there were no customer reviews available for the company. The website also lacked a customer service phone number. Furthermore, there was no evidence to suggest that the business was registered in […]


Fluxiftymarket.com is a scam. They promise big returns on your money, but once you send it, they take it and vanish. The website is new, only 9 days old at the time of this report. There’s no customer service phone number listed. Plus, they have no social media profiles. Be careful and don’t fall for […]


Reports indicate that Advancebinance.org is a fraudulent investment platform. They lure potential investors with promises of high returns, but once the investment is made, the fraudsters pocket the money and vanish. The customer service details provided on the website are unattainable through the given phone numbers. The website is a recent creation, with the domain […]

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