12 months ago


Crypto scams

Customers have reported Altin-mines.com for perpetrating a crypto exchange scam. This website, recently registered, is barely a month old. Promises of substantial returns follow investments, yet, once the investment is made, the fraudsters abscond with the funds. The site lacks a contact number for customer service. Social media platforms don’t host the company. Strikingly, there are no reviews for this company on popular consumer review platforms. The site is rife with incomplete pages, filled with unchanged content and placeholder notes. The company’s location is indicated by a false address. Furthermore, the company fails to be registered in the state it purports to hail from.

A crypto exchange scam refers to deceptive practices that are part of digital currency exchanges. These scams involve tricking users into making investments with the promise of high returns, only to then disappear with the invested funds.

Red Flags

Fake address
Fake business name
Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A crypto exchange scam happens when a fraudulent company tricks individuals into investing in cryptocurrency. They promise high returns and make it look like a genuine trading platform. The scammers can manipulate the market prices on their platform. They can use techniques like pump and dump, where they inflate the price of a low-value cryptocurrency and sell it off when people start investing. They can also disable withdrawals, forcing people to keep their investment in their platform. This way, they can run off with the money when they decide to shut down the platform. It's important to research before investing in any cryptocurrency. Look for red flags like guaranteed returns, unregulated platforms, and aggressive marketing tactics. Remember, if it sounds to good to be true, it probably is.


Beware, Vadixlimited.net has displayed all the telltale signs of an investment scam. They entice you with promises of quick financial growth, but as soon as you invest, the money disappears, along with the scammers. The company’s presence is virtually non-existent on popular consumer review platforms, raising the first red flag. Unfinished pages laden with default […]


Thedealalfresco.com, a recently launched website, is under suspicion for conducting a fraudulent store scam. The domain name, at the time of this investigation, was barely 92 days old. The business address provided on the site is misleading, and the images displayed don’t accurately depict the products being sold. The merchandise offered on this digital platform […]


The website Premiumfxcrypto.online has raised concerns due to its potential involvement in a crypto exchange scam. The site’s registration is recent, with the domain name only 15 days old at the time of this report. It creates an illusion of potential high returns on investment, but after investment, the fraudsters take the money and vanish. […]


Fundedcoins.online is currently operating a fraudulent investment scheme. They entice potential investors with appealing returns. However, once the investment is made, the deceivers disappear with your hard-earned money. There is a noticeable lack of activity from the company on social media platforms. Several pages on their website are noticeably incomplete, filled with placeholder content and […]


Boutix.ch is a website that has been discovered as a possible phony shopping scheme. A closer look at the site reveals numerous pages that are incomplete, filled with generic content and placeholder text instead of specific details. There’s no official business name visible on the site, raising further questions about its legitimacy. Additionally, the site’s […]

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