1 year ago


Crypto scams

Objectif-propfirm.com runs a crypto scam. They promise huge returns on investment, only to abscond with your money once you part with it. The company doesn’t have a social media presence. You won’t find reviews about them beyond their own website. An overseas entity or individuals own and operate the site. Many pages on the website remain incomplete, filled with default content and placeholder text. The graphics they use don’t accurately represent the product they’re selling. The partnerships they boast of on their website are mere fabrications.

A crypto scam involves someone tricking you into investing in a cryptocurrency scheme that isn’t real or reliable. The scammer might promise you high profits, but in the end, they run away with your money, leaving you with nothing.

Red Flags

Fake business name
Fake images
Fake partnerships
Fake promises
Fake reviews
Foreign company
Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No reviews
No social media
A crypto scam is a fraudulent scheme involving cryptocurrency. It's an attempt by dishonest individuals to take your money. They might promise high returns from investments in cryptocurrency. But in reality, they take your money and disappear. These scams often involve a type of fraud called a "Ponzi scheme." In a Ponzi scheme, the scammer uses money from new investors to pay off older ones. This makes it seem like the investment is profitable. However, the whole system collapses when there are no new investors. Crypto scams can take many forms. Some operate online, while others might approach you in person. They might use social media, email, or even phone calls to lure you in. The best way to avoid a crypto scam is to be informed. If something seems to good to be true, it probably is!


A user on ScamGuard reported Xr-sr.com as a fake online store on February 20, 2023. The website is a recently registered domain name with a creation date of February 17, 2023. The first complaint was received only 3 days after the domain registration. The website ownership is concealed by a third-party privacy service. Xr-sr.com is […]


Zlitelights.com has been flagged as a fraudulent online shop. The website, barely 131 days old at the point of discovery, lacks a contact number for customer service. It provides misleading information, including a false business address. The graphics displayed on the site do not accurately represent the products for sale. Moreover, the company has no […]


The website Blacrockmaktingfx.com has raised concerns over potentially being involved in a crypto exchange scam. When it was first noticed, the website had only been in existence for 18 days. The website makes big promises about high returns on investments. However, after you put your money into it, the perpetrators abscond with your funds. Despite […]


Verizonglobaltrades.com runs an investment scam. A company or individuals from overseas own and operate the site. They promise big profits for initial investments but end up taking the money and disappearing. No social media profiles exist for the business. The website lists a fake address. The scam was detected when the website was just 19 […]


As of February 19, 2023, Trylushlashes.com has been flagged as a fake online store. Despite having a registration date of May 26, 2022, the website is still relatively new, having been active for only 268 days at the time of the first complaint. Customers attempting to contact the site via phone are greeted with an […]

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