1 year ago


Crypto scams

Coinprotrading.com operates a crypto exchange fraud. Discovering the deceit occurred merely 24 days after the website’s creation. They dangle the lure of considerable profit on your investment. Yet, once you put your money in, the fraudsters run off with your cash. The website lacks a social media presence. They don’t provide a customer service number on their site. Their advertised business location on their website is fictitious. The so-called partnerships they boast on their website turn out to be false. Several unfinished pages filled with preset content and placeholder text pepper their website.

A crypto exchange scam refers to fraudulent activities involving digital currencies. Typically, such scams promise huge returns on investments. The victim invests their money, only for the scammer to disappear with the funds. Coinprotrading.com is an example of such a scam.

Red Flags

Fake address
Fake partnerships
Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A crypto exchange scam involves fraudulent platforms promising high returns on cryptocurrency investments. Scammers often lure investors with attractive offers and once the investors deposit their cryptocurrency into the platform, the scammers disappear, making off with the deposited funds. They may use sophisticated websites and authoritative-sounding language to appear legitimate, but they lack transparency and regulation. Always research before investing.


Digitalgloballivetrade.net has been identified as a fraudulent investment scheme. The discovery was made when the website was merely 143 days into operation. A glaring red flag is the absence of a customer service phone number on the site. Additionally, the physical address listed for the business turned out to be fictitious. The website’s social media […]


Countless consumers have reported Trendysite-new.com for its involvement in a counterfeit online store scam. The detailed analysis of this website’s data reveals a striking lack of uniqueness, as content appears to be copied from other similar sites. The products featured on this site are counterfeit, and the low-grade material used can potentially be harmful. Moreover, […]


People have reported Waschoenen.com for carrying out a fraudulent online store scam. The website’s registration is fresh, with a mere 46 days under its belt when this report occurred. Strangely, it lacks a visible contact phone number for customer service. The site’s content raises eyebrows as it appears to be a carbon copy from other […]


Outdoorlivshop.com, a website that has been active for only 54 days, is under suspicion of being a fraudulent online store. The lack of a customer service contact number raises eyebrows, and the content appears to be unoriginal, possibly lifted from similar sources. The products on offer are believed to be counterfeit and potentially dangerous due […]


The website 247expertsplatform.com is part of a deceptive scheme involving cryptocurrencies. Discovered when it was just a few months old, the site lacks essential contact details like a customer service phone number. It tempts potential investors with the promise of substantial profits from their investments. However, once you invest your money, the fraudsters behind the […]

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