9 months ago


Pet scams

Miniteacupmaltesepuppies.com stands accused of operating a fraudulent pet business. Despite its recent registration, just 43 days old when investigated, it has already raised suspicions. The reviews on the site appear fabricated, lacking authenticity from genuine consumers. It bears a striking resemblance to other sites, raising doubts about its originality. The provided address reveals no trace of the claimed business. Searches for the business name in its supposed operating state yield no results. The website features multiple incomplete pages, littered with filler text and placeholder content. The operation of the site traces back to overseas business entities or individuals.

A pet scam involves the selling or offering of pets under false pretenses. This could involve selling nonexistent pets, misrepresentation of the pet’s breed or health condition, or asking for money upfront without delivering the pet.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake address
Fake business name
Fake reviews
Foreign company
Recently registered
Unfinished website
A pet scam typically involves fraudsters posing as breeders or pet sellers online, who lure victims with cute pictures and false promises. They usually ask for upfront payment for the pet, and additional fees for things like insurance, shipping, or vaccinations. After payment, the pet never arrives and the scammer disappears. Always be cautious and research before purchasing a pet online.


Jilldra.com is operating a dishonest online store scheme. The website’s content lacks originality, as it’s a duplicate of similar sites. The images displayed do not truthfully represent the products for sale. Several pages on the site are still under construction, containing default text and stand-in content. The company’s social media accounts have zero followers. Furthermore, […]


We’ve discovered that Hokashopusa.shop is functioning as a sham online store. This website is a recent addition to the internet, with its domain name only having been registered 64 days ago at the time of our investigation. Unfortunately, the site fails to provide a customer service phone number, which is a common sign of illegitimate […]


Exchangeminers.com is caught in the act, running a scam under the guise of an investment scheme. They entice you with grand promises of substantial returns on your investment. However, once you put your money in, these fraudsters abscond with it, leaving you high and dry. Surprisingly, there’s not a single review to be found for […]


Countrycollectablesbright.shop has been flagged as a fraudulent online store. The products shown on this site are not genuine and could potentially pose safety risks due to the inferior materials used in their creation. It’s clear that the content of the website is not unique, as it closely mirrors other similar sites. The website was only […]


Fashionenamored.com operates under a deceptive business model. It’s a relatively new website, having only been established 91 days ago at the time of reporting. The site offers products that are not only inauthentic but also potentially harmful due to the substandard materials used in their production. The operation appears to be based in China, despite […]

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