1 year ago


Fake stores

Goomall.shop raises eyebrows with suspicions of a counterfeit store scheme. The website, only registered recently, is merely 25 days old as per the report. A customer service phone contact is conspicuously absent from the site. Evidence suggests a base of operations located in China. The products displayed on the platform are misleading, posing risks due to the inferior materials used in their construction. Images on the site are not genuine. The company lacks a presence on social media platforms. No reviews for the company exist on well-known consumer review platforms.

Fake store scams usually involve a fraudulent website that appears to be selling products, but in reality, the products are either counterfeit or don’t exist. The aim is to deceive customers into paying for goods they will never receive or receiving products of substandard quality.

Associated domains: ioomall.online, qiimall.online, aoomall.online, aiimall.online, coomall.online, doomall.online, eiimall.online, eoomall.online, foomall.online, loomall.online, koomall.online, joomall.online, oiimall.online, uoomall.online, wiimall.online, yiimall.online, zoomall.online, roomall.online, qoomall.online, riimall.online.

Red Flags

Fake images
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam is a fraudulent scheme where scammers set up fake online stores claiming to sell products at significantly reduced prices. They may use stolen images and descriptions from legitimate businesses to convince buyers they're real. After customers make a payment, the scammers either send nothing, counterfeit goods, or items of lesser value. They often disappear, leaving the buyer with no recourse to get their money back. Always research before buying online.


Sourcesempowermentltd.online is a fraudulent investment site. It promises high returns to attract investors, then the scammers take the money and disappear. The company has no reviews on major consumer platforms and no social media presence. The address on the website is fake, and there’s no customer service phone number available. Beware of investment scams that […]


Wpalmafin.com stands accused of fraudulent investment practices. Detected merely 24 days after its inception, the website lacks reviews on any major consumer feedback platforms. The official business name remains a mystery, hidden within the site. Numerous pages within the site are incomplete, filled with stock content and placeholder text. Advertised partnerships displayed on the website […]


It has been reported that Flashearningltd.com is a fraudulent investment website. This website is said to entice potential investors with claims of high returns on their original investments, only to have the fraudsters pocket the funds and disappear. The company doesn’t have a single review to its name on any well-known consumer review platforms. Notably […]


People have reported Paradoxpips.com for running an investment scheme that promises high returns. Unfortunately, these promises turn out to be false. Once you invest your money, the fraudsters disappear with it. Their website contains several pages still in the developmental phase, filled with generic content and placeholder tags. The company’s supposed partnerships, as advertised on […]


Lyme-prime.com has been spotted engaging in a fraudulent activity involving cryptocurrency. They lure you with promises of huge returns from your investment, but once you’ve put your money, the fraudsters disappear. None of the major review platforms contain any feedback about them. Their presence on social media platforms is non-existent. The website itself is filled […]

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