On February 7, 2023, an online store named Uggishop.com was identified as a counterfeit operation. The website’s ownership is obscured by a third-party privacy service, rendering the identity of the responsible party unknown. During the course of our investigation, it has come to our attention that the business in question, which operates a website, purports to be situated at 711 Zimmerman Lane, Los Angeles, CA 90071, USA. This address has been identified as being associated with numerous fraudulent online stores.
Within 20 days of the website’s establishment, a complaint was lodged against it. Typically, such fraudulent enterprises originate in China. Potential customers must exercise caution, as it is probable that they will not receive the counterfeit goods that they have ordered.
Despite claims on the website that returns are accepted, it is important to note that such shadowy operations rarely honor such guarantees.