2 years ago


Fake stores

On February 20, 2022, Highlandcrystal.us was flagged as a fraudulent online store.

The domain name was recently registered on June 26, 2022, and the registration was done under a fictitious name and address.

Despite claiming to be based in the United Kingdom on its website, the company does not provide any customer support number for assistance.

Red Flags

Fake address
Fake business name
New website

Missing Information

No business address
No business name
No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
The utilization of a fictitious name and address during domain registration is a factor that could suggest fraudulent intent and raise concerns regarding the legitimacy of a website. Furthermore, when a website asserts registration in a particular country but does not possess legitimate registration, it is indicative of dishonesty. These practices are often employed to create an impression of trustworthiness and credibility, thereby increasing the likelihood of defrauding unsuspecting consumers. As a result, it is crucial for consumers to exercise caution and conduct comprehensive research prior to engaging with such websites to avoid falling prey to fraudulent activities.


Shopsonsofvikings.shop has been called out for running a deceptive scheme. This fraud was spotted when the website was barely a month old. The items available on the site are knock-offs, and their substandard materials might pose certain risks. The images showcased on the site are misleading, giving a false impression of the product being sold. […]


Exadobit.com carries the label of an investment scam. The site promises massive returns on investments, yet when you transfer your funds, they vanish into thin air—stolen by the scammers. Stock images serve as substitutes for actual product images on the website. The content on this site lacks uniqueness, appearing to be copied from similar online […]


Consumers have flagged Experttradingoptions.live as a fraudulent cryptocurrency exchange. The online platform was only established 29 days ago, according to the date of this report. The site promises high returns on investments, but customers have reported losing their money to the perpetrators of this scam. Unfortunately, there’s no phone number available for customer service on […]


Exclusiveroyal.world, a newly established website, is involved in fraudulent investment activities. The domain name, which was registered merely 85 days ago at the time of this report, is being used to lure unsuspecting investors with promises of substantial profits. However, once the investment is made, the fraudsters disappear with the money. The address listed for […]


Usofferbicycle.com operates a deceptive online store. The website, recently established, is only 100 days old as of this report. The authenticity of the content on the site raises questions as it does not match other similar pages. The products advertised on this platform are fake, potentially posing risks due to the low-quality materials used in […]

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