2 years ago


Fake stores

Letsbegreatagain.com was reported as a fake online store by a ScamGuard user on February 12, 2023. This website is new, having been registered on October 13, 2022, and is only 141 days old. The ownership of the website is concealed using a third-party privacy service, making it difficult to identify the responsible party. Additionally, there is no legal business name available, and no phone number is provided for customer support. There is also no social media presence or reviews on third-party review websites. Please exercise caution and avoid making any purchases from this website.

Red Flags

New website

Missing Information

No business address
No business name
No phone numbers
No social media
Fake online stores often advertise products at prices that seem too good to be true, and lure customers in with fake reviews and flashy web design. Unfortunately, many of these stores either ship counterfeit merchandise or do not ship anything at all after receiving payment. If a customer has been scammed by a fake online store, they should contact their bank as soon as possible to initiate a chargeback. This process allows the customer to dispute the transaction and recover their funds. However, it is important to note that chargebacks can take time and may not always be successful, especially if the fake online store has already closed or moved on to a new domain name. Therefore, it is crucial for customers to be cautious and only shop from reputable stores to avoid falling victim to these scams.


Consumers have flagged Xtremebot.org for conducting an investment scam. This website entices investors by promising high returns on their initial deposit. However, the scammers behind this site pocket the money and disappear. The images they use are not genuine. The website’s content appears strikingly similar to other related sites, suggesting they have copied content. The […]


Photosavingsus.shop, a relatively new website just a little over a month old, has been revealed to be involved in a deceptive store scam. The lack of a customer service phone number on the website raises suspicion. Doubts about the authenticity of the website’s content have been raised as it seems to closely mirror content from […]


Exchangeminers.com is caught in the act, running a scam under the guise of an investment scheme. They entice you with grand promises of substantial returns on your investment. However, once you put your money in, these fraudsters abscond with it, leaving you high and dry. Surprisingly, there’s not a single review to be found for […]


Beadsforyourjewelry.shop is currently under suspicion of being a fraudulent online store. At the time of our investigation, the website’s age was not disclosed. One of the red flags is the absence of a customer service phone number. The products showcased on this digital platform are questionable and could potentially pose safety risks due to the […]


Reports have surfaced about Jorgensentrade.com, a purported cryptocurrency exchange, engaging in fraudulent activities. The website, barely 78 days old at the time of these allegations, has been accused of being a scam. Oddly, there’s no customer service phone number listed on the site, raising red flags about its legitimacy. The reviews that appear on the […]

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