2 years ago



A ScamGuard user reported Onlineexamexperts.com as an education scam on February 20, 2023.

The website’s ownership is concealed using a third-party privacy service, and there is no evidence to support the claim of 5-star reviews on TrustPilot.

Additionally, the website lacks a legal business name and a physical address. Although the phone number uses a Florida area code, there is no record of a business registered under the name Online Exam Experts in the state of Florida.

Customers should exercise caution when dealing with Onlineexamexperts.com

Red Flags

Fake business name
Fake reviews

Missing Information

No business address
No business name
No contact page
No social media
There are unethical websites online that offer to take and pass an exam for students in exchange for money. These websites undermine the integrity of the education system by promoting academic dishonesty and cheating. Not only do they compromise the quality of education, but they also create a society where success is achieved through cheating rather than hard work and merit. By using these websites, students are not only jeopardizing their academic and professional careers but also contributing to the degradation of the education system. Students who rely on these services fail to learn important skills and knowledge, which puts them at a disadvantage in the long run. It also creates a society where the value of education is undermined, and merit-based success is replaced with dishonesty and fraud.


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