2 years ago


Fake stores

Hausad.com was reported in the online fake store category by a user on ScamGuard on February 15, 2023.

It’s a new domain name registered on September 13, 2022, and the website was only 120 days old when the complaint was submitted.

The website owner is using a third-party privacy service to hide their identity, and the website and its data are hosted overseas in China.

Although Hausad.com claims to be located in Ireland, the address they use is fake, and the physical location of the business is unknown.

Furthermore, the website doesn’t provide any customer support number. It’s important to exercise caution when shopping online, especially with websites that have questionable ownership and unclear locations.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake address
Fake business name
Fake images
New website

Missing Information

No business address
No business name
No phone numbers
No social media
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