2 years ago


Fake stores

On February 15, 2023, Newboatpartes.com was identified as a fraudulent online store. The website asserts that it has been operating online since 2020, but the registration date is recorded as September 19, 2022. The site’s ownership is concealed through a third-party privacy service. Additionally, there is no business registered under the name Newboatparties.com in the state of Colorado, which is where the website claims to be located.

Red Flags

Fake address
Fake business name
Fake images
New website
Unrealistic discounts

Missing Information

No business address
No business name
No social media
Fake websites based in China frequently use the Alibaba platform to offer products to customers in the United States. Unfortunately, many of these websites do not deliver what they promise. In some cases, customers never receive the products they ordered, and in other cases, the products they do receive are of subpar quality. As a result, it's essential to exercise caution when shopping online and to thoroughly research any website or seller before making a purchase. You can read more about fake online stores here.


A new website, Stamfordfx.online, is running an investment scam. When discovered, the site was just 9 days old. The address listed for the company doesn’t exist. The phone numbers on the site don’t work. The companys reviews are missing. There are no followers on its social media pages. Investment scams trick people into giving money […]


Consumers have raised concerns about Captrustllc.com, alleging that it’s involved in an investment scam. The website, which was only 81 days old at the time of these complaints, lacks a customer service phone number. Interestingly, the company claims to operate in a certain state, but there’s no record of its registration there. Promises of significant […]


Swiftwavebrokers.com, a newly launched website, is suspected of being an investment scam. The website, only 143 days old, lacks crucial elements such as a customer service phone number. The address provided for the business is incorrect, raising further suspicions. The company’s presence on social media platforms is almost invisible, and there are no reviews on […]


Forisetrade.com, a relatively new website, has been identified as running an investment scam. The website, which is only 139 days old, was flagged due to suspicious activities. Interestingly, there is no customer service phone number listed on the site. Additionally, the business address provided on the website doesn’t match with any known locations. Furthermore, the […]


Soniccapitals.com is allegedly involved in an investment scam. A lack of customer reviews on well-known consumer review sites indicates that the company has no noteworthy representation. Their social media accounts don’t boast a following, adding to the questionable nature of their operations. Numerous web pages on their site are unfinished, filled with generic content and […]

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