2 years ago


Online auction

Possible fraudulent activity has been associated with Grtimedeals.com, which was reported in the online auction scam category on February 15, 2023. The website is a newly registered domain, having been registered on February 8, 2023, and was only active for a brief period of 11 days at the time of the initial complaint.

The website employs a fake address, and the physical location of the business is unknown. It claims to be a DBA of GRTCrepotime, LLC, which is purportedly located in the state of Wisconsin, but there is no evidence of such an LLC being registered in Wisconsin under that name. As a result, caution is advised when engaging with Grtimedeals.com, and further investigation may be necessary to assess the legitimacy of its operations.

Red Flags

Default content
Fake images
New website
Placeholder content
Recently registered
Unfinished website
Unrealistic discounts

Missing Information

No social media
Scam online auction websites are fraudulent websites that pretend to offer legitimate auction services for buying and selling goods online. These websites often lure unsuspecting buyers and sellers with attractive deals and low prices, but in reality, they are designed to steal people's money and personal information.


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Oilleaseglobal.com has come under scrutiny for allegedly operating an investment scam. They entice potential investors with the promise of lucrative returns, however, upon investment, the alleged scammers abscond with the funds. The information on the website is misleading, and the business’s physical location is nonexistent. The site’s content is not original; it’s pilfered from other […]


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